day 05: 인터럽트와 예외
오늘의 결과물
inturrupt가 발생한 부분
타이머에 의한 인터럽트로 인해 floppy disk를 계속 끄고 있기 때문에, 무한으로 재부팅 되는 모습.
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전체적인 인터럽트의 과정은 위의 그림과 같습니다.
이번 코드에는 boot.asm에서 floppy disk의 모터를 끄는 부분이 추가되었습니다.
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0x3F2번지에 I/O명령인 out으로 0의 값을 넣으면 모터가 꺼집니다.
PC의 메인보드에는 8259A라는 이름의 칩이 있습니다.
이 칩은 메인보드 전체의 하드웨어 인터럽트를 관리합니다. 요즘은 8259A라는 형태로 단일 칩이 있는 것은 아니고 메인보드의 칩셋에 로직화되어 포함되어 있습니다. 그러나 예전과 같은 동작을 한다는 면에서 호환성을 유지하고 있다고 볼 수 있습니다.
저는 out의 동작 과정이 궁금했기 때문에, stack-overflow에서 다음과 같은 부분을 더 찾아보게 되었습니다.
CPU가 Memory와 I/O에서 데이터를 얻어오는 과정 설명
You know how memory addressing works? There's an address bus, a data bus, and some control lines. The CPU puts the address of a byte (or a beginning byte) of memory on the address bus, then raises the READ signal, and some RAM chip hopefully returns the contents of memory at that address by raising or lowering individual lines (corresponding to bits in the byte(s)) on the data bus. This works for both RAM and ROM.
But then there are also I/O devices: Serial and parallel ports, the driver for a PC's tiny internal speaker, disk controllers, sound chips and so on. And those devices also get read from and written to. They also need to be addressed so the CPU accesses the correct device and (usually) the correct data location within a given device.
For some CPU models including the xxx86 series as found in most "modern" PCs, I/O devices share the address space with memory. Both RAM/ROM and IO devices are connected to the same address, data and control lines. For example, the serial port for COM1 is addressed starting at (hex) 03F8. But there's almost certainly memory at the same address.
Here's a really simple diagram:
Clearly the CPU needs to talk to either memory or the I/O device, never both. To distinguish between the two, one of the control lines called "M/#IO" asserts whether the CPU wants to talk to memory (line=high) or an I/O device (line=low).
The IN instruction reads from an I/O device, OUT writes. When you use the IN or OUT instructions, the M/#IO is not asserted (held low), so memory doesn't respond and the I/O chip does. For the memory-oriented instructions, M/#IO is asserted so CPU talks to the RAM, and IO devices stay out of the communication.
Under certain conditions the IO devices can drive the data lines and the RAM can read them at the same time. And vice versa. It's called DMA.
Traditionally, serial and printer ports, as well as keyboard, mouse, temperature sensors and so forth were I/O devices. Disks were sort of in between; data transfers would be initiated by I/O commands but the disk controller would usually direct-deposit its data in system memory.
In modern operating systems like Windows or Linux, access to I/O ports is hidden away from "normal" user programs, and there are layers of software, privileged instructions and drivers to deal with the hardware. So in this century, most programmers don't deal with those instructions.
p. 108 IDT만들기 전까지 학습했음
아직 IDT가 어떻게 동작하고, 인터럽트가 어떻게 동작하고
instruction의 동작 등을 자세하게 잘 모르겠습니다.